What impact could deplatforming Donald Trump have? Kris Holt , @krisholt Expert: Social media to extremism is like oxygen to fire, Facebook posts promoting violence still circulated even after insurrection, Hear Sandberg downplay Facebook's role in the Capitol riots, Extremists and conspiracy theorists search for new platforms online, Parler sues Amazon in response to being deplatformed, Twitter permanently suspends Donald Trump from platform, Facebook blocks Trump through end of presidency, These Trump supporters say big tech is biased. That’s the third-biggest individual Twitch stream … Advertisement Hide. AOC Plays Among Us in One of Twitch’s Most Watched Streams Ever. We know we’ve said it a million times, but 2020 is truly the year of ambitious crossovers. US Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district and fellow member of The Squad Ilhan Omar also tweeted that she would like to play, getting an immediate invite from AOC. As AOC plays Among Us on Twitch to 400k viewers, I'm thinking back to the tech hearing where a member of Congress didn't understand how spam filters worked. The stream became one of the most-watched Twitch streams in the site's history, peaking at roughly 435,000 streams. AOC was visibly nervous about playing Among Us, which, if you’re not familiar, is a multiplayer game that takes place on a spacecraft, with a certain … Dazu gehört der Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Partner für deren berechtigte Interessen. Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. AOC Hosting Among Us Game on Twitch. Among Us. AOC uses Among Us Twitch stream to raise $200,000 for charity New York state representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised $200,000 by playing Among Us on Twitch earlier this week. London (CNN Business)Playing video games live on Twitch may not seem the most obvious way to get more Americans to the polls, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not one to take a conventional approach. All content of the Dow Jones branded indices Copyright S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2018 and/or its affiliates. @charulatasinha. The New York Democrat also known as AOC streamed Among Us, one of the most popular online games, on Twitch alongside streamers Pokimane and Hasanabi. While it was released two years ago, Among Us has seen a recent spike in popularity, with the game's developer saying it reached 1.5 million consecutive online players in September. U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's second Among Us Twitch stream recently raised $200,000 for … In an effort to spread the word on voting this November, American politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is hosting a game of Among Us on Twitch. That would make the broadcast among the 20 biggest streams ever on the website, based on data from third-party metrics site, Ocasio-Cortez discussed voting with other players while playing "Among Us,", The congresswoman asked the other gamers on the live stream how they were planning to vote. This Tuesday, October 20th, the politician took to the internet’s newest craze, ‘Among Us,’ to play a fun game and to talk about this upcoming 2020 Presidential election. This time, we’ve got a progressive US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) hitting up Twitter to spruik her Twitch debut. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. Pretty new to the gaming scene, AOC managed to have an exciting broadcast that lasted over three hours. Ilhan Omar and AOC on a twitch stream playing among us is not what I expected but definitely something I needed — Steph (@Steph ) 1603243161.0 The wild popularity of the Reps' Twitch stream brought AOC another unintended victory: She now has 642,000 Twitch followers, more than more four times as many as President Trump. AOC playing Among Us with Pokimane? AOC just played 'Among Us' on Twitch to encourage voting - CNN So basically AOC (and Ilhan Omar, for a bit) is playing a video game called Among Us with some internet-famous people, and she’s broadcasting the whole thing live on the internet to … Hot take, I know, but we should elect more young people! AOC Plays Among Us in One of Twitch’s Most Watched Streams Ever. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took Twitch by storm Tuesday night when she livestreamed a game of " The New Yorker used the opportunity to encourage viewers to vote, directing them to IWillVote.com, a Democratic party website with information on voting. All rights reserved. As AOC plays Among Us on Twitch to 400k viewers, I'm thinking back to the tech hearing where a member of Congress didn't understand how spam filters worked. Yesterday, New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (also known as AOC) took to Twitch for the first time to stream some Among Us with big-name streamers to raise voter awareness. Besides AOC and Singh, the stream will include Twitch political commentator Hasan “HasanAbi” Piker and Canadian YouTuber/streamer Ryan “NorthernLion” Lotourneau. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. "That's really what tonight's all about, and of course we are here to vote blue," she said, a reference to the Democratic party. AOC's Twitch stream received a lot of attention. AOC’s Among Us stream topped 435,000 concurrent viewers Jordan Crook @jordanrcrook / 3 months Last night, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went live on Twitch to stream Among Us … In her October 20 stream, AOC was joined by the US representative Ilhan Omar. A screenshot from the moment AOC was picked as the 'imposter' in the game . 16. AOC’s Among Us stream attracted 435,000 concurrent viewers at its peak, Engadget reports. By Julian Rizzo-Smith . Photo: Getty Images. ", Launched in 2011, Twitch also hosts live streams of music, sports and talk shows. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, made history Tuesday night, making her Twitch debut to play the new viral video game “Among Us” while encouraging people to vote in the 2020 election. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Both the ladies made their Twitch debuts on the same day and enjoyed a few rounds of the sleeper hit Among Us. The Democratic congresswoman took the online streaming platform by storm Tuesday night when she livestreamed a game of "Among Us" against fellow Democrat representative, "Holy cow ... Can y'all hear me?," Ocasio-Cortez said as she tried to find her bearings on the platform, which is predominantly used to live stream video gameplay. Amerikaanse politica ‘AOC’ speelt Among Us op Twitch en trekt ruim 435.000 kijkers. Pulling it together. Her stream peaked at 435,000 concurrent viewers, according to a Twitch spokesperson. This time, we’ve got a progressive US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) hitting up Twitter to spruik her Twitch debut. By Charu Sinha. AOC plays Among Us with Ilhan Omar, Pokimane; Twitch stream gets over 4 lakh viewers. Richard Lawler , @Rjcc Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. AOC Issues a Call for “Among Us” Players . Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez live streamed a video game on Twitch while encouraging viewers to vote. Kris Holt , @krisholt — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) October 19, 2020. After making a huge splash in her Twitch debut last month, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) plans to join the streaming platform again tonight to … InTheKnow ist Teil von Verizon Media. AOC's 'Among Us' Twitch stream peaked at over 435,000 viewers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez played 'Among Us' live with Ilhan Omar, Myth, Pokimane and others. Hot take, I know, but we should elect more young people! @charulatasinha. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hopped on Twitch yesterday to livestream a game of Among Us, and casually raised $200,000 for people in need.. AOC made the … Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. aus oder wählen Sie 'Einstellungen verwalten', um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und eine Auswahl zu treffen. Updated 1450 GMT (2250 HKT) October 21, 2020. Celebrities and politicians are doing everything in their power to encourage people to get out there and vote. AOC Among Us: progressive firebrand to join NDP leader for online gaming sesh Friday 2020-11-26. AOC will return to Twitch tonight for another round of 'Among Us' Jagmeet Singh, leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, will be part of the crew. Here's why they're on Parler, Fact-checker calls the person who sent him a death threat. The US Election just got spicier, AOC is trying to get her own Among Us stream going. By Charu Sinha. AOC, as the 31-year … Of course, that’s only four people for a game of Among Us, so expect a few more guests to drop by. AOC on Twitch The internet has crowned an unlikely new video game streaming superstar: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). All rights reserved. She didn't talk about who to vote for and she did keep policy talk relatively light, instead, she encouraged viewers to just go out and vote and to vote safely with the pandemic still ongoing. Though she’s never played Among Us before, she appears eager to learn. Myth, who has 7 million Twitch followers, said on Twitter that this would be his first time voting. AOC is playing Among Us with other popular Twitch streamers to encourage voting and help viewers craft a voting plan. AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is known for grabbing the attention of the media by standing as a powerful voice for young people in politics. Internet stars are jumping at the chance to stream a game of “Among Us” with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Twitch this week. This Tuesday, October 20th, the politician took to the internet’s newest craze, ‘Among Us,’ to play a fun game and to talk about this upcoming 2020 Presidential election. A game can have 4-10 players, and room creators will decide on the number of imposters beforehand, with the figure being 1-3. Pretty new to the gaming scene, AOC managed to have an exciting broadcast that lasted over three hours. Disclaimer. Read on to know more. I'm pretty excited. AOC streaming Among Us with Pokimane and others will introduce more people to her perspective, and help get the word out about how important voting is – and it is important, so make sure you do it. — Amanda Litman (@amandalitman) October 21, 2020. AOC … Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, like many of us… This year's biggest trending phenomenon—aside from the 2020 presidential election—is Among Us.It's an indie multiplayer game, where players must determine who amongst them is a … While the potential for an international incident stemming from gaming is surprisingly high, the stream should draw in numbers comparable to AOC’s first stream which peaked at over 400,000 concurrent viewers. Ilhan Omar and AOC play Among Us live. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / oʊˌkɑːsioʊ kɔːrˈtɛz / ( Spanish: [oˈkasjo koɾˈtes]; born October 13, 1989), also known by her initials AOC, is an American … "It's super easy to do so do it," he told his 2.3 million. She really went for the fences, too, by teaming up with Twitch’s biggest and brightest stars for this night of gaming. AOC will return to Twitch tonight for another round of 'Among Us' Jagmeet Singh, leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, will be part of the crew. US President Donald Trump and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders both have accounts on the platform, which was bought by. "This is pretty wild. Yet another ambitious crossover 2020 was not prepared for, but desperately wants. CSE warns companies to check IT systems following SolarWinds hack. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2018. Rapper Offset on why gaming could be bigger than hip-hop. AOC's Among Us Twitch Stream refers to a Get Out The Vote event organized by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in which she, fellow congresswoman Ilhan Omar, and several popular streamers and YouTubers played Among Us on Twitch. AOC is going to be playing Among Us with Pokimane, HasanAbi, and others on her new Twitch channel at 18:00 PDT / 21:00 EDT / 2:00 BST. Ocasio-Cortez has appeared on Twitch before. By Chris Pereira and James O'Connor on November 27, 2020 at 4:37PM PST 63 Comments Damit Verizon Media und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten können, wählen Sie bitte 'Ich stimme zu.' AOC Wants to Play 'Among Us' With You on Twitch to Get Out the Vote Phillip Martinez 10/19/2020. AOC Is ‘Among Us’ On Twitch . — Amanda … Following her record-breaking stream, AOC is taking part in … — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) October 19, 2020. De Amerikaanse politica Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ook bekend als AOC… Image: AOC. Singh said he and AOC, as the congresswoman from New York is known, share progressive values on health care, economic equality and climate change, views that align with a growing slice of … The crazy part is, this isn’t even the first time politicians tried to enter the world of gaming. AOC's Among Us Twitch Stream Raised $200K for Charity. The stream will take place later today at 11am AEDT. What Trump supporters see on their Facebook feeds, Big name Republicans signing up for new social media platform, having once called into a fundraiser stream last year. Major streamers were instantly on board to welcome her to their little Among Us club.Pokimane, HasanAbi, Disguised Toast, DrLupo, Moist Critical, and more were charmed by the spirited congresswoman. A game of "Among Us" typically includes 10 people, and although we don't know the full lobby, we do know a few names that will likely be involved. Richard Lawler , @Rjcc Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' stream will begin tonight, October 20, at … Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez played Among Us for the very first time last night, and she did it with over 450,000 people watching just in the first hour alone.Along with popular streamers Dr. Lupo, Pokimane, Hasan, Myth, Maia, and DisguisedToast, AOC spoke directly to young gamers telling them to get out and vote so that we can at least end 2020 on a high note. AOC is playing Among Us with Canadian parliament member Jagmeet Singh and other guests on Friday. In the next evolution of international political discussion, US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) will be streaming Among Us with Canadian member of parliament Jagmeet Singh today. We’re not here to tell you how to vote, but it … U.S. Rep. Alexandria "AOC" Ocasio-Cortez returned to Twitch on Friday night for a 5-and-a-half-hour broadcast, where she played the interactive mystery game Among Us … AOC and Ilhan Omar were joined in their stream by numerous A-list Twitch streamers like Pokimane, Dr Lupo, Jacksepticeye and etc. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. In an interview with Mashable, Twitch confirmed that her channel reached a peak of over 435,000 concurrent viewers during the three-and-a-half-hour broadcast. Judge Lets Strip Clubs Stay Open, Loosens San Diego Lockdown, in Blow to Gavin Newsom. AOC's 'Among Us' Twitch stream peaked at over 435,000 viewers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez played 'Among Us' live with Ilhan Omar, Myth, Pokimane and others. All times are ET. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made her Twitch debut with a bang Web Desk October 21, 2020 20:54 IST. Pulling it together. US Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district and fellow member of The Squad Ilhan Omar also tweeted that she would like to play, getting an immediate invite from AOC. Morningstar: Copyright 2018 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In Among Us, players race around a cartoonish-looking ship, and aim to accomplish tasks without getting killed in the process. AOC cracks jokes about spaceships in Among Us still using gasoline and combustion engines and throws shade at the vice president without batting an … Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to play Among Us and she’s already been getting requests from prominent Twitch streamers. AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is known for grabbing the attention of the media by standing as a powerful voice for young people in politics. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. For the second time ever, US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is streaming Among Us right now. Her Twitch stream had around 435,000 concurrent viewers when her stream started, which later dipped down to 350,000 viewers, The Verge reports. Photo: Getty Images. Nickname (s) AOC. “Anyone want to play Among Us with me on Twitch to get out the vote?” the Democratic congresswoman from New York tweeted out Monday. By Jonathan Lee. Major streamers were instantly on board to welcome her to their little Among Us club.Pokimane, HasanAbi, Disguised Toast, DrLupo, Moist Critical, and more were charmed by the spirited congresswoman. Sen. Cruz to Twitter CEO: Who the hell elected you? At 7PM ET on November 27th, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) will get back on Twitch to play Among Us with Jagmeet Singh and other Twitch streamers. AOC is known to use non-conventional methods to reach a wider audience, so playing Among Us on Twitch to raise awareness to register for voting seems right up her alley. 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