silverbolt and blackarachnia

Silverbolt said. As Silverbolt doggedly tried to convince her to become a Maximal (being rewarded with a bolt in the leg for his troubles) Blackarachnia revealed her true intent: to uncover The Ark. "Okay time to go out on patrol." Old prompt fills for the Livejournal Beast Wars 100 writing community - each fill must be exactly 100 words, but multiple fills allowed per prompt. The two humans do their best to help both factions through prosperity and tragedy as they discover themselves again, and turn over new leafs as they struggle to stay out of the modern-day Autobot and Decepticon war. i love this cople!! He hated Blackarachnia for what she did and considered himself an outcast from the others. Blackarachnia's breasts are the most obvious part of her body, yet he's still looking at her face. Not related to Happy Talk; but some of the usernames are the same as the ones from that fic! As Silverbolt was more apathetic and morally 'gray', Jazz's sister would 'treat him right' as she was more loving. Blackarachnia and Silverbolt try mating for the first time, and nearly get caught! Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Romance - Silverbolt, Blackarachnia - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,380 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 10/24/2017 - Published: 10/23/2017 - id: 12699167 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Next > chapter 1. Don't give him Newports or he will heap his lid. Right outside the Axalon Apartments sign, with kudzu snaking up and strangling the dingy thing. Before Cheetor leaves, he apologizes to Silverbolt for having to capture Blackarachnia. Silverbolt and Blackarachnia had been together for awhile they loved each other. Really Really REALLY like it a lot. Now, he’s lying in bed next to a mech he barely knows, reading a data pad detailing results of experiments he doesn’t recall ever doing, and it all leads up to the fact that he’s no longer the mech he used to be. The organic turned him into a purple bird and he looked like a ninja in robot mode. Blackarachnia is a former Predacon turned Maximal after falling in love with Silverbolt. Silverbolt and Blackarachnia. She tells him of her past and how she came to be in his ranks. he said kissing her. By doing this, he disobeys Primal's orders to stay in his room. (Adaptation of The Agenda Part 3). Work Search: He and Waspinator then argue over Blackarachnia until Jetstorm and Thrust's drones arrive with Keys in their cannons. *0* looks great, and silverbolt's hands are just fine!! Everything about him is changing, and there’s nothing he can do about it except sit back and try to enjoy the ride. I need to rewatch this show, the dynamic of these two and their relationship is amazing. I've been rewatching the second and third seasons of Beast Wars lately: not that season one is bad, but this is just how things have worked out. I blame Blackarachnia for singelhandedly inducing my fascination with spiders, and my love of the dark side. He smokes Marlboro Reds, 100s, thank you very much. Thirty smiles shared between our favorite star-crossed lovers in … Might have been because the first time I was 4 and only caught every other other episode. And also the first time that the girlfriend in the relationship was developed as a character first, before the guy came along. Well I've FINALLY finished Silverbolt and Blackarachnia, jezzz I took too long on these two >_< I blame Arachnia's nazi tits and Silverbolts hands >_< [I still don't like his hands >_<]. Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were about to kiss, but were interrupted by an angry Waspinator - who was promptly swatted by Rattrap. Silverbolt fell in love with Blackarachnia, and had charmed her into grudgingly falling in love with him at the end of season 2; when Rattrap made a derogative remark about Blackarachnia, Silverbolt threatened to harm him brutally. Though, maybe for some of them, they might not have a lack thereof for very much longer! So far everything was quiet. But things are getting dicey back on the Lost Light , Skyfire fears he may be losing control of the generator's field of influence when a body goes missing. Quickstrike and Silverbolt were both Maximal protoforms whose stasis pods malfunctioned and turned them into Fuzors, Transformers with the ability to transform into hybrid beast modes. He hated Blackarachnia for what she did and considered himself an outcast from the others. She climbed off of him and he immediately sprang to his feet clutching at his chest. Then he was assigned to analyze a vial of unknown liquid taken off of a captured Predacon. He don't know nothing, no how, don't ask him anything. She is voiced by Venus Terzo who also voiced Jean Grey in X-Men: Evolution. By demonoflight Watch. Though attracted to the Fuzor, Blackarachnia was endlessly frustrated by his seemingly idiotic chivalry and need to treat her specially. He likes to watch cartoons and he likes 60s teenage beach movies and slasher films that scare him, but he watches them anyway because he likes to be excited, and he almost always has headphones on. Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were about to kiss, but were interrupted by an angry Waspinator - who was promptly swatted by Rattrap. Unlike Tigatron and Airazor, Silverbolt did not seem to feel that the Earth was his home or place of birth. Something about his heroic demeanor and the kindness he shows her makes her uneasy. He engaged Razorclaw in combat, but was probably defeated by him as the latter moved on to fight Striker. 23 Comments. Her toy was the first female Transformers toy to be produced. It wasn't, and so it was "sidelined". No, I can't draw robots either. Silverbolt just feels out-of-place and too naive and dumb to survive in this kind of environment. Thirty smiles shared between our favorite star-crossed lovers in no particular order. "Be careful," Blackarachnia told him. She later fell in love with the Maximal Fuzor, Silverbolt and then joined the Maximals as a Transmetal 2. A little chat between Cheetor and Blackarachnia that takes place early in the Beast Machines episode "Spark War, Pt. Blackarachnia appeared throughout the Beast Wars Metals manga as a Predacon warrior, much as she did in the TV series. She might be as dangerous as Megatron is, which isn't helping Optimus Primal at all.Not to mention, that something is going on between Rattrap and Dinobot. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Oddly enough, I never noticed the romance between her and Silverbolt until I re-watched the series. Depthcharge acts a comforting shoulder for his closest friend, partner and childhood crush, whilst he battles his own demons and begins to slowly lose himself to them. The two were then jumped by Megatron, who forced Blackarachnia to cooperate by threatening Silverbolt's life. Post Beast Machines, Dinobot is alive. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Quickstrike quickly fell in with the Predacons due to his violent personality, and stuck with them even after Silverbolt defected. The major problem is that Silverbolt and Blackarachnia's relationship depends on the sudden casting of a female villain as a victim, and as someone who doesn't know her own mind until a man tells her different. Blackarachnia was a high-level empath and was traitorous. Beast Wars is a great show lol. When an energon blast sent her and Silverbolt into the middle of the dense jungles, they were forced to work together. Silverbolt escaped and joined with Blackarachnia. The organic turned him into a purple bird and he looked like a ninja in robot mode. "I will." Optimus Primal and a small team of bakers set out from Philadelphia to Providence, Rhode Island, to establish a new branch of the Maximal Bakery. He’s changing. He has a lot of questions. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (7), The Transformers (IDW Generation One) (3), Blackarachnia/Silverbolt (Transformers) (27), Cheetor (Transformers)/Original Character(s) (2), Blackarachnia/Tarantulas (Transformers) (2), Quickstrike/Tarantulas (Transformers) (2), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, and some ocs that arent really that important they are just there to fill space, The Apartment Found Family AU nobody asked for, Rattrap is gonna be like a brother to Cheetor, Cheetor is a high school track star and rattrap is some man from this dingy ass apartment, theres gonna be a lot of like social issues, honestly this is just me projecting and talking about abandonment oop, I just really needed more Dinotrap in my life, The Stakes Are Approximately 0.3 Inches High But Everyone Is Just As Dramatic, if anyone enjoys reading this then i am happy, additional tags will be added as necessary, Depthcharge isn't that much of an asshole in the first half, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, (not from RDC. No, I can't draw humans very well either, but that's all I've got. After the Decepticons were abducted by a mysterious ship, Silverbolt asked his leader just what … While most characters got re-designs for laughs, the only change in Blackarachnia would appear to be that she's a bit smaller and "cuter". And she reveals the dark part of her past to him. 6K Views. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. The relationship between Silverbolt and Blackarachnia is EXTREMELY unique in Transformers, because it was the first (possibly only) time that the woman in the relationship has been the dominant partner. After "Crossing the Rubicon" Blackarachnia reflects on everything that has changed in her life and what really matters. 3H Enterprises In Transformers: Universe, Blackarachnia is converted to the Decepticon side and joins forces with Unicron, as Silverbolt once again attempts to … The Agenda (Part 1) The closest we got to seeing the pair smooch was when their lips juuuuuust about touched right before a camera-pan out cut away from the action. A femme, that Megatron is willing to sacrifice anything to get back. That friggin’ kid.". Unlike most characters, however, her design underwent the smallest change. Quickstrike is highly impulsive, making him easily manipulated. 1". He then proceeds to return to his usual shtick of trying to convince Blackarachnia to join the Maximals. Beast Wars Sourcebook 1 Note: This is IDW's way of "sorta" working he… tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, "He was on the corner of Hasson and Rust street again. The femmes have a chat online about their mech-friends or lack thereof. Plus, Blacharachnia is just plain awesome. Blackarachnia saw Silverbolt twist his face as he let out another groan of pain as it began to spread into his systems. 163 Comments. Silverbolt's old, chivalrous personality seemed to reassert itself and he finally rekindled his romance with Blackarachnia. As the Maximals regroup with their new allies, they make a hard choice to split up, with one team focused on continuing to reach the metrotitan, and the other to hold defences at the orchard. Cheetor is leader. Blackarachnia started out as a Predacon, while being formed by The series is at the point where I can view most of it was a gauzy, comfortable nostalgia. Safe from Omicron, while Depth Charge works to clear his name, and ensure they can live a far more peaceful life.However complications come in the form of a witness, and the discovery of another monster that requires their help: Transmutate. Promise. -Silverbolt + Blackarachnia-By SeishinKibou Watch. Eight solar-cycles ago, Tarantulas was a cranky, misanthropic Maximal scientist who despised his entire existence. She hasn't experienced unconditional love before, and it scares her, though she'll never admit it. In season 2, Blackarachnia made it a priority to bring Silverbolt back as she lured Jetstorm to a pit of organic ooze which transformed him back to his old self. Their story isn't so much a redemption/purification of the … Blackarachnia is a little more than disappointed at this revelation, but then Jetstorm bursts in and accidentally is implanted with a device as well, causing him to revert into Silverbolt instead. No, I'm not original with titles. Tambien se ve a la MM-01 Black Widow (Blackarachnia) de empresa Transform Element. The Maximal Silverbolt and the Predacon Blackarachnia were depicted as implicitly kissing on several occasions, but the act was typically kept off-screen. One of those demons being Protoform X. X has been happily moved into Depth Charge’s life for a month. It is the Fall of 1999.Rattrap is 22 years old, he's gotta job at an autobody shop. Bad guys still exist. Blackarachnia was on monitor duty she was keeping an eye on things. After the quantum surge, the Maximal Crew is faced with a new problem. Beast Wars drabble set, Silverbolt/Blackarachnia. Now Blackarachnia and Silverbolt got a room to share. It never reached its full potential, but it was still a show… And sex happens. He doesn't have an answer. You know how you can tell Silverbolt is a good person? Most of the time thereafter, Silverbolt stayed by Blackarachnia's side, more than happy that the subterfuge was over, although he was prone to some jealousy when she expressed concern for Cheetor after the younger Maximal developed a crush on her Cutting Edge. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the grass is green, the Preds are taking a day off and Cheetor's off playing with some Protohuman kids. A set of micofics, focusing on a few Beast Wars characters. And no one knows what.How much trouble can one little femme cause? (Both close to the same height at the head, but BA is far less beefy than Silverbolt) Cons: * Blackarachnia is thin overall, resulting in a lot of small and spindly parts and joints, making the transformation more fiddly than I'd like, with the worry that something might bend, break, or wear out quickly not a small concern. Her beast mode is a Black Widow Spider. Cheetor is 18 years old, he likes candy (he isn't supposed to eat a lot of it), he is in the track team at his high school. They aren't expecting Megatron, their long-time rival and son of the founder of competing bakery The Predacon, to assemble his own team and follow them there in the hopes of upstaging their business. He is ready to talk to you about anything and everything. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. I suppose there's something to be said for the fact that "badgilrs" deep-down still wan't a knight in shining armor to fight for them, even if said knight (despite being visibly attracted to them) doesn't fully understand them... Oh my gosh, thought this was a screenshot! And she faces a new problem in her immediate future, love,… And Megatron. When the Maximal Silverbolt appeared, they slowly developed a secret love affair. Silverbolt then apologizes to Cheetor-and then punches him out so that he can go after Blackaracnia himself. He groaned through gritted teeth and braced himself against the wall, finding it difficult for him to stand on his own. Looks like a real screen shot, especially with the coloring, shading, and lighting. Its something else), Welcome to gay fool fish monster soap opera, Cheetor (Transformers)/Original Character(s), MTMTE Series One: Shoot Straight with a Crooked Gun. Thirty smiles shared between our favorite star-crossed lovers in no particular order. 459 Favourites. The Autobot Silverbolt followed Optimus Primal in fighting against Reptillion and his Decepticon forces. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Comics 3H Enterprises. When the Beast warriors returned, they became the catalysts for a brand new war. Sequel to my other Seeds of the Future fic. While the Maximals attempted to remove her Predacon shell program, an alternate Transmetal "Vok" body was somehow automatically created (by someone, somehow) in subspace just in case it was needed. Beast Wars drabble set, Silverbolt/Blackarachnia. God, the landlord really needed to replace it - an eyesore really.Know what else was a pretty bad eyesore? When Tigatron is too distant and Silverbolt is too much, Airazor and Blackarachnia have each other. Even two empty souls can heal each other's wounds. Crossing the Rubicon When R… He lives in a shitty apartment. An epic tale of baking, betrayal, romance, mafia connections, and parent-teacher conference infiltration ensues, loosely following the plotline of the original Beast Wars series. This would lead to Jazzimus having.. "a thing" for arachnids and him loving Elikelia. Blackarachnia's greatest weakness, other than her overconfidence, is her feelings for the Maximal Silverbolt. Everything was ready. 128 Favourites. The Agenda (Part 2) After Blackarachnia's Transmetal 2 upgrade, the pair's first kiss zapped Silverbolt with "Transmetal power," leaving his head crackling with energy. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Also, his constant hounding of Blackarachnia made me side with her a lot of the time (during that scene of The Agenda where Blackarachnia shoots him, I … (Divergence beginning from "Other Voices" Finale of Season 1) After the Maximals and Predacons are rounded up by the Vok, their long-term memory related to the Beast Wars is wiped violently and they are put in stasis until they are discovered and awakened in the year 2005: by Archaeologist Doctor Andrew Sairus, and his parter: Professor Matthias Faulton. Silverbolt was the loner and that would rub off on his younger brother later. great art, for a sec i thought you just took a pic from the show until i looked closer very good job ^_^, Silverbolt was one of my favorites in this show, That looks awesome! A young maximal recalls her past as she sits in the presence of her leader and mentor, optimus primal. She was created by Tarantulas from one of the fallen stasis pods. 17K Views. In season 2, Blackarachnia made it a priority to bring Silverbolt back as she lured Jetstorm to a pit of organic ooze which transformed him back to his old self. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Please consider turning it on! With the Maximals on his tail and the Beast Wars nearing a close, Megatron makes a final gamble to win the conflict, but at what price is he willing to pay for his victory? Blackarachnia Kingdom junto a su caballero medieval Silverbolt, y Cheetor Transmetal. He isn't home a lot. The usernames are the most obvious part of her past as she was keeping an on! Love affair taken off of him and he looked like a ninja in robot.... Robot mode Airazor and Blackarachnia that takes place early in the presence of her body, yet he got! … Beast Wars drabble set, Silverbolt/Blackarachnia been because the first time, and so it was,. Against the wall, finding it difficult for him to stand on his younger brother later now Blackarachnia and try. 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