Wildebeest is a common name given to the Gnu species from the Bovidae family which is just but an herbivorous group of mammals. January is a tough month to predict. And Dr Nzuki said yesterday that blocking the migration route would decimate - an d even annihilate - the great wildebeest migration: the main reason for touring both the Serengeti National Park and Maasai Mara Game Reserve. It is believed that due to the repetition of the same cycle of migrations for thousands of years, the wildebeests developed an intelligence mechanism of systematically identifying, exploring and overcoming all the obstacles encountered on their way as a single group rather than in individual bases. The wildebeest migration cycle is now approaching its initial starting point, and this shows that it has approached its halting point. The animals are strung out across a large area – there are always fore-runners and stragglers. It’s no easy task for the wildebeest. The lodges, travel arrangements and even the weather turned out to be just… absolutely top-notch… Serian Serengeti was in the middle of the Migration with millions of animals and all the predators… It was a complex, tailored journey but everything just worked as planned – no delays – no problems at all. Much loss of life amongst the animals happens at this stage of the cycle due to the state of a dilemma caused by the panic of crossing the river during its overflow alongside with the starving predator animals waiting for the wildebeests as their meals. All the guides and drivers were always on time and very pleasant. Wagons roll! The survivors celebrate by feasting in the northern Serengeti and begin crossing into Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve. A Wildebeest Migration Safari in Africa. They are generally still in the south but the grasses have all been munched up, the last calves born, and the herds are starting to gather in preparation for the next leg of their journey. Key Facts to Remember The bulk of the Migration takes place in the Serengeti. The wildebeest generally begin their northward journey, and many have left already and are in the central and even western Serengeti. safari travel specialists. Lodges and camps are small and fill up very quickly. This is why it is best to have as much time on safari as possible if you hope to see a river crossing. East Africa's Migration, Safari & Highlands, Top 5 Tips for Booking Your African Safari, 10 Best Luxury Safari Camps & Lodges in the Serengeti, Rutting (a period of sexual excitement, reproductive activity and mating battles between males). This is, once again, why it’s important to plan for as much time on safari as possible. We highly recommend ending at a lodge or camp that's located away from the herds to enjoy a bit of tranquility and a diverse game viewing experience. Here is where most deaths due to predators begin which prevent all beasts and zebras to successfully cross the river. After reaching these plains they enjoy the nutritious grass from January through March. The herds will be spread out, making the most of water and food. Sometimes the herds stay put for two weeks, other times they could cross four times in one day! This … Most people think that the Wildebeest Migration only takes place between July and October, but it's actually a year-round phenomenon – with various but equally exciting events that occur at different times of the year. The camp along the Mara River is situated in Tarek area just about 100 metres from the river and along a route used by the migrating wildebeest. Mathematics tells us that from the mentioned fact, then almost 7500 calves are borne on every single day on, The wildebeest migration cycle begins in early December (or sometimes as early as late November), where the wildebeests start migrating majorly towards, As April approaches, when the newly born calves have acquired enough energy and adaptations to the environment, the migration starts again heading towards the north. This is the most favorable place for this time due to the availability of water on the river and the assurance of green pasture from the forests surrounding the Grumeti river. Bulls may occupy territories, usually about 100 to 400 m (300 to 1,300 ft) apart, but this spacing varies according to the quality of the habitat. The conservancies around the Mara are much less crowded and, not only will you still be able to witness the Migration, you will also directly contribute to the Maasai communities who have lived there for thousands of years. The Great Wildebeest Migration - the annual migration of giant herds of grazers across Northern Tanzania and Kenya is a truly spectacular event. An estimated 3 percent of the herd can't survive the clockwise circuit, whether due to predation, exhaustion or natural elements. River crossings cannot be predicted, but generally occur between May and September. If you are a keen photographer, your best opportunities may occur around midday when the sun and glare are at their harshest, so make preparations to accommodate this. There are several mobile tented camps that keep moving as per the movement of wildebeests. One great challenge on this route is crossing the Mara river, which has proven to be a great obstacle for them. The name wildebeest has its origin from Dutch which means wildebeests of wild cats, named mainly due to its hairy mane and horns. A crucial point is the crossing of the river Mara in the east of the Serengeti. The major reasons for the deaths of these wildebeests includes attacks from hungry predators like the lions and crocodiles, or it might be from starving when they encounter drought. The name wildebeest has its origin from Dutch which means wildebeests of wild cats, named mainly due to its hairy mane and horns. Copyright © 2021 Serengeti National Park, Wildebeest Migration Cycle ( the great wildebeest migration) is described as the circular movement that wildebeests take across the East African plains of the savannah. Black wildebeest herds are often nomadic or may have a regular home range of 1 km 2 (0.39 sq mi). There is no real beginning or end to a Wildebeest’s journey, life is an endless pilgrimage, a constant search for food and water. This increases your chances of seeing births, kills or crossings. The Wildebeest Migration is a year-round, circular journey and the river crossings cannot be predicted. info@serengetiparktanzania.com. The good grazing of the Southern Serengeti, Ndutu and Ngorongoro Conservation Areas means the herds remain in the far south. One of the most sought-after experiences for wildlife and nature enthusiasts, the Great Migration is the ever-moving circular migration of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. The migration route will also take the mammals through the Mara River, where Nile crocodiles will … The ever-moving columns of wildebeest, joined by a host of companions, follow an age-old route in search of grazing and water. Mathematics tells us that from the mentioned fact, then almost 7500 calves are borne on every single day on the plains of Serengeti national park were birthing takes place, on the course of this birthing period. You can unsubscribe at any Even the weather was perfect with just a few hours of rain during the whole trip. This is the part of the cycle where other animals such as the zebras and the gazelles join the migration. These areas are safer because predators can be easily spotted making it … If you intend to follow the wildebeest migration from the beginning till the actual crossing, this is where routes become a necessity. If you want inter-connecting tents or family suites, book as early as possible as there are limited numbers of these available. Thanks to the wildlife researchers who spent their time in observing and documenting these for the sake of many like us. Huge herds totaling up to 2 million wildebeest, zebra and gazelle move in an 800 km circuit clockwise through the Serengeti and Masai Mara ecosystem in search of the best pastures and access to water. They are not alone in their journey since they have a few similar species which do give them an escort. The Migration is a fluid, often unpredictable affair. Lodges and camps fill up fast, especially for a Great Migration safari from June to October. Blue wildebeests have got somewhat a bigger size as compared to the black ones, whilst they grouped into around five classes. So, thank you Maureen – not even a tiny detail might be improved – it was all perfect. Book as soon as you know you want to go – don't procrastinate! With climate change, the long and short rainy seasons in Tanzania and Kenya are no longer as regular or predictable as they once were. Wildebeest leaping into the Mara River Great Migration Not all wildebeest are migratory. A Wildebeest Migration experience can get busy, noisy, smelly, and far removed from a general Big 5 safari. Accommodation for a Great Migration safari can be divided into two broad categories: permanent lodges and mobile camps. In a 'normal year' the short rains have begun, propelling the wildebeest to leave the now denuded grasslands of the Masai Mara and back into the rejuvenated Serengeti. The Migration is one of Nature's greatest paradoxes: timing is absolutely vital, but there is no way to predict the timing of the animals' movements. Calving begins again, the predators move in again, and the cycle of life begins all over again. For a newly born gnu, it takes only between three to seven minutes before it starts walking on its own. The animals break up into mega-herds of thousands or hundreds of individuals at time. We also know that rain will trigger the wildebeest to move onto fresh grazing – but nobody knows exactly when the rain will fall. We saw the wildebeests moving towards specific routes, and repeats the same cycles every year but no wonder they have leaders nor the mechanism to overcome various obstacles they encounter on their way. Almost 250,000 wildebeest are killed during the migration, not due to predation, but as a result of exhaustion, hunger and thirst. It was clearly seen on the pride land were they grazed together as a herd, making even the valley been named the. Click on each map to get more details on the migration during a particular month. See our Blue Wildebeest Migration. Wildebeests are majorly classified into two groups, the black wildebeest and the blue wildebeest. Get in touch with one of our Africa Safari Experts to help tailor-make a Wildebeest Migration safari based on your travel wishes: Get expert planning advice and new trip ideas from Africa’s leading Your best chance of seeing river crossing may involve spending all day at a site where the wildebeest have massed. You'll be out on early morning and late afternoon game drives – the sun is at its weakest during these times. Choose and arrange your timing according to what you want to see and experience. The wildebeest herds usually gather on the eastern side of the Serengeti in January, anywhere between Lobo and Naabi Hill. It's important to know where to go and when to go on a Wildebeest Migration safari to ensure your expectations are met. Our tour ideas are exactly that – sample itineraries to give you an idea of costs, flights and how different destinations work together. The Great Migration refers to the continuous movement of vast numbers of wildebeest accompanied by large numbers of zebras and gazelles searching for food and water between Tanzania and Kenya. The herds break up into smaller groups. In the early days of July, scarcity of water on the Grumeti and pasture on the neighboring areas will be observed. The Great Migration: Map of the Wildebeest & Zebra Migration Follow the Great Wildebeest Migration The migration of nearly two million wildebeest and zebra across the plains of Tanzania's Serengeti and Kenya's Maasai Mara is one of the oldest and last great land migrations on the planet. Every year many thousands wildebeest and zebras die during the strenuous and dangerous migration because of hunger, thirst, weakness or predators like lions, cheetahs or hyenas, who are on the trail of the herd. The wildebeest migration cycle begins in early December (or sometimes as early as late November), where the wildebeests start migrating majorly towards Serengeti national park, while some cover the southern and eastern parts of Soronea, areas around Ndutu and the northern part the Ngorongoro conservation area. This means that when the fertile females finally reach the Mara, Talek and Grumeti Rivers many months later, they are heavily pregnant, making their feat even more incredible. In addition to that, there will also be a number of hungry lions eagerly waiting for the wildebeests in the grazing plains of Serengeti plains, something which drastically reduces that number of the wildebeests. You'll also be offered activities not permitted in the main reserve, such as night drives, bush walks and off-road game viewing. This intelligence mechanism is known as, wildebeests in the Serengeti national park, 5 Days Serengeti National Park tour (Ndutu and Seronera safari), 7 Days Serengeti & Uganda Wildlife safari, 8 Days Serengeti, Masai Mara & Bwindi safari, 5 Days Serengeti and Ngorongoro Wildlife Safari, Game Drive north of Serengeti National Park, Serengeti National Park Entry fees for 2021, Serengeti National Park as Africa’s leading national park. The herds have reached the western Serengeti and are peering closely at the brown waters of the rivers they have to cross. We saw the wildebeests moving towards specific routes, and repeats the same cycles every year but no wonder they have leaders nor the mechanism to overcome various obstacles they encounter on their way. The annual wildebeest migration through Tanzania and Kenya is one of the world's greatest animal wonders. Each have different advantages, but choosing one depends on what is important to you: Tips for Choosing Migration Safari Accommodation. It is believed that due to the repetition of the same cycle of migrations for thousands of years, the wildebeests developed an intelligence mechanism of systematically identifying, exploring and overcoming all the obstacles encountered on their way as a single group rather than in individual bases. It is in this period where birthing takes place. It’s the same for wildebeests, whereas almost 2500 wildebeest die on each single wildebeest migration cycle. time. The bank is steep, the current strong. It is calving season until about March – prepare yourself for lots of wobbly babies... and lots of heartbreak as predators swoop in. Natural phenomena occur all over the world, but very few can compete with the sheer size of the annual Wildebeest Migration through the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem. We've helped thousands of travellers to be in the best possible place at the best possible time for the best possible price. This is mainly because their migration routes are being cut off by fences, settlements, farms, roads and other developments, and the areas where they roam are getting smaller. Wildebeest Migration Cycle ( the great wildebeest migration) is described as the circular movement that wildebeests take across the East African plains of the savannah. Book your Wildebeest Migration safari up to a year in advance to get a lodge on or as close to the river as possible – this cuts down on travel time to lookout points. The wildebeest migration cycle begins in early December (or sometimes as early as late November), where the wildebeests start migrating majorly towards Serengeti national park, while some cover the southern and eastern parts of Soronea, areas around Ndutu and the northern part the Ngorongoro conservation area. The greatest movement of wild animals in the world, the great wildebeest migration, happens in a region of about 1000 square kilometers in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park and cross over into Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve and later turn back to do it all over again every year. The river crossings usually coincide with safari's high season (July to October), hence the perception that this is the only time of the year that the wildebeest are on the move or can be seen. ‘Cow’ is a name shared by both our domestic milk-providing animal as well as a female wildebeest, meanwhile, it’s well and good if you call the male gnus bulls. The bulk of the Migration takes place in the Serengeti. Just imagine about one and half million wildebeests migrate each year. The appearance of the wildebeest is more or less resembling to a buffalo with an ox’s head and decorated with the horses’ mane. Head for the central and western Serengeti – the herds are usually there and getting ready for the toughest part of their odyssey. On fact file today we have an astonishing fact about this largest overland migration in the whole globe. Book Early – At Least a Year in Advance. The appearance of the wildebeest is more or less resembling to a buffalo with an ox’s head and decorated with the horses’ mane. Remember, this is safari's high season and when the popular river crossings happen, but you can see the herds any time of the year. You can even go further afield and easily add top destinations like: Chat with someone who's been there. These include the other animals such as zebras (which take the second rank in number after the wildebeests), gazelles, and a few impalas. The wildebeest migration which is one of the wonders of the world is an annual event that sees over two million animals migrate from the Mara to Tanzania. The wildebeest do have historical crossing areas and you may spend days staked out in the hope of seeing the action. Some arrive at the water and swim over immediately; some arrive and spend days hanging around grazing; some arrive and turn back to where they came from. Fortunately, we've been planning Wildebeest Migration safaris since 1998. You need a passport to cross; the wildebeest are exempt. Many new ones are born during the great wildebeest migration cycle, while some die as well on the way before reaching their destination. This inaugural migration commences right after the termination of early October rains, and it is mainly to enjoy themselves with the fresh green grass on the plains of Serengeti. 500,000 zebras that precede 1.8 million wildebeest and the following 100,000 plains game. 2. Remember that although up to two million wildebeest, zebra and antelope form the Migration, they are not all in a single herd. Wildebeests are majorly classified into two groups, the black wildebeest and the blue wildebeest. Africa’s Wildebeest Migration. Nature lovers have called it … This unity was unity is observed even better during their annual migration, where a very huge group of wildebeests migrate together from one point to the other without leaving any of their fellows behind. As mentioned, it is impossible to predict crossings – they generally occur any time between May and September. +255-759-317-158 Kenya or Tanzania: Which is Best for Safari? Huge Nile crocodiles, that's why! We wish we could predict the crossings, but no-one can. This contributes much to the deaths of the wildebeests on the course of their annual migration cycle. There is one reason which has triggered everyone’s’ thirst for researching more about this Bovidae family of animals, which is their massive migration throughout the year. The Serengeti-Mara ecosystem is just that: one system that has been artificially divided by humans. Wildebeest migration The annual Great Migration of wildebeest and other herbivores across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem is one of the greatest spectacles in the natural world. The movement is focused on locating potential areas with enough grass for them to enjoy after the hush moments of hunger and predation. Tip: although many people think of Africa as a hot place, the Serengeti ecosystem …. Whole globe the zebras and the blue wildebeest far removed from a general Big 5 safari search of grazing water! Shoes that can cope with mud, and starts their cycle again venture to Kenya and Tanzania a... Wildebeests of wild cats, named mainly due to predators begin which prevent all beasts and zebras successfully! A hot place, the black wildebeest and the river Mara in the Serengeti annual cycle! This is the most popular, so start planning at least a year in Advance the early of! 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