They tend to color at a smaller size than basic Red Empress; but, sometimes can be difficult to get to color. I suppose you could call it a Red Empress in the general sense, you shouldn't breed the fish and claim the fry are anything. syn: Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) Take one look at these fish and you’ll understand their colorful name. My guess is female too, although it has a little more color than other juvenile females I've seen & kept. Dorsal fins as well can develop red Farm raised here in Florida. 3" Red Empress. I think i just looked up the first part after first receiving it and red empress stuck in my head. Ok, sorry guys. If you buy a four fish colony, you will get one Guaranteed Male and we will do our best to get you three females.If you buy a six fish colony, you will get one-two males and the rest females.. I bought him at about 4 cm, and since then has coloured up to show-quality. Beutiful. Scientifically, these fish are referred to as Protomelas taeniolatus. Malawi Peacock Cichlids Albino Firefish $ 8.95 – $ 19.95 IN STOCK. The Red Empress is the king of my tank. Pretty Hap from Lake Malawi. I think one male Fusco would be fine in a 75 gal. Originally hailing from Lake Malaw… Description Additional information Reviews (0) Description. Now it is raised on fish farms and lives in aquariums all Scientific Name: Protomelas taeniolatus Place of Origin: Lake Malawi Adult Size: 5 - 6"Temperament: Mildly aggressive. German Red Peacock Cichlid $ 8.95. Well, not a great example of a juvenile Red Empress, I wouldn't jump to buy it if I saw that fish. So indeed it is some other type of mixture. Here's where you need to go to get help identifying your Cichlids. Tangerine Tiger Medium Juvenile . Unfortunately the name Red Empress is used kinda vaguely quite often. The Red Empress Cichlid (Protomelas taeniolatus) is also known as the Spindle Hap or the Red Empress. The Red Empress cichlids are an african cichlid originating from lake Malawi. It is actually pretty easy. Place 1 male and 2-4 female Red Empress Cichlids into the aquarium and provide them with the appropriate aquarium setting. The Red Empress also has a “forked” tail, whereas the Peacocks do not. Hoping for a male. Red Empress have since been line-bred for more intense color patterns. Super Red Empress cichlids are gorgeous fish that are undemanding and great for beginners. No shipping fee that way. A beautiful specimen of the red form of Petenia splendida, the Red Bay Snook.Photo and fish by Don Danko.. Albino Red Cheek Tropheops Cichlid ... Red Cheek Tropheops Cichlid - Male. It is Red Empress-ish, but hard to judge if pure. It is being called a Protomelas taeniolatus "FIre Hap". Females and juveniles are a more drab gray-brown with black horizontal striping. The dominant male exhibits a blue head, intense orange-red coloration on the flanks and red speckling on the fins. Please read below for more info.Fish keeper Reggie's Haps and Peacocks African Cichlids Fresh water fish, Lake Malawi. Lake Malawi Mbuna: Albino Auratus Cichid. VC-10 Milmo Cichlid - Juvenile. The Red Empress Cichlid is a visually striking fish that can add vibrant color to your aquarium. Once the fry are free swimming, relocate them to a 10 gallon grow-out aquarium. Super Red Empress Cichlid. Rock-Dwelling Mbuna Cichlid - Red Empress East African Cichlid Aquarium Fish quantity. The … In my opinion there is almost no way it is a male since it has 0 color whatsoever and it’s analfin is rounded as can be. The female will retain her black and silver morph. So I don't know if it is a pure example, but could still end up an attractive fish. Unfortunately the name Red Empress is used kinda vaguely quite often. The male will morph into a blue, orange, red, and yellow coloration. If male, he would develop color in … A Flavescent Peacock is at the top of my list too. He only reached a little over six inches, in approximately two years. A new color for male from captive breed is orange. Red Empress with split albino gene (Protomelas taeniolatus) Haplochromide African Cichlid From $ 11.99 Red Rainbow Tropheus (Kasanga)1.25-2.0 inch Tanganyika African Cichlid Like most cichlids, however, P. taeniolatus is an opportunistic feeder - when plankton is plentiful, it feeds on these as well. It feeds by sucking algae from small pockets in the rocks. There are a number of colorful variations that they come in, but the red Jewel cichlid is definitely the most common. SKU: 47 Category: Malawi Peacock Cichlids. These haps are a great undemanding species that can be very rewarding in the aquarium. Protomelas taeniolatus x A truly beautiful hybrid. Add to cart. He was in a 150 gal. P. taeniolatus has a lake-wide distribution & is primarily an herbivorous cichlid. I have an all male cichlid tank, with no other empresses, yet he is still quite a bully, mostly chasing a large blue dolphin around. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. Hope to have a male out of the four, then I'll send you a male fry :) VC-10 Milmo Cichlid - Adult Male. Male Juvenile. I miss all the color, but I don't miss the hassle. Well, not a great example of a juvenile Red Empress, I wouldn't jump to buy it if I saw that fish. Occasionally my favorite fish store will special order a fish for me. This is one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the world. White Knight Ahli - Juvenile. Whether you're … The adult male … Species name: Protomelas Taeniolatus Synonym: Cyrtocara taeniolata, Cyrtocara taeniolatus, Haplochromis taeniolatus, Protomelas fenestratus, Haplochromis Hinderi, Steveni Eastern Common Names: Red Empress, Spindle Hap, Fire Blue Family: Cichlidae (Cichlids) , subfamily: Pseudocrenilabrinae Order: Perciformes (perch-likes) Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) The Red Empress is very stunning in its adult male colors. I just bought three more juvies to go with my 2 inch male/female? After the spawning has occurred the female will hold the eggs in her mouth for 21-28 days. All male tanks are a pain. From an aesthetic perspective, the male will have egg spots on the anal fin, as well as slightly more pointed dorsal and anal fins. Origin: Lake Malawi in East Africa, where it lives away from the rocks. These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid aquarium at home. In the wild, male has bright blue bodies, while the female ranges between brownish beige to orange red color. These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid aquarium at home. Add to wishlist. The Super Red Empress cichlid is a sexually dimorphic, meaning that the males display the bright blue and red colors and females remain a silverish-grey color with a black horizontal bar. Do you know how to differentiate the males and females from the colors? Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! They both look like juveniles, but the larger one is between 3-4" and is starting to get orangish looking spots in its dorsal fin, anal fin, and tail fin. Looks like a plain juvenile. The biggest male Fusco I've ever seen was just short of eight inches. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The smaller one which is about 2-3" doesn't have any coloring. Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 6 guests. Red Empress (Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.)) By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies. I grew a juvenile male Fusco out to adulthood. I have 2 red empress' but not sure if they are male or female. The male will morph into a blue, green, orange, and red coloration. A nice looking male Protomelas taeniolatus, Red Empress cichlid with some good color coming in. Dimorphism: The Red Empress Cichlid is a dimorphic species. tank at my LFS. Red Empress cichlids are found lake wide throughout lake Malawi. The line in their midbody may reappear when they are stressed or uncomfortable with a new tank. This cichlid gets to around 4.5 inches, maybe slightly large as adults. The result of crossing a male Red Empress with a female OB Peacock and then back crossing with a Red Empress. We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. Here they can be found in the sediment free area primarily feeding on algae and other plant material. However, to aquarists, they are known as the Red Empress Cichlid or Spindle Hap. Red Empress Cichlid (Protomelas Taeniolatus) for sale, Buy 5 get 1 Free. 5 pcs for 20$ or 8 pcs for 30$ Only these left. Head is showing blue (not evident in picture) also more redish in fins then what's shown in the pic. Base Price is for a 2.5-inch male. Venustus Cichlid. They are known for their dazzling colors, which can vary dramatically from fish to fish. Dimorphism: The Taiwan Reef Cichlid is a dimorphic species. This is a place for information, ideas, pictures, bragging. Click here to see several more pictures. A 55 gallon with lots of rock cover would be a very good setup to start with. A beautiful and popular hybrid! *This … Size Male Female Unsexed; Juvenile: Mar 5, 2017 - Find information about keeping the Super Red Empress Cichlid or Protomelas taeniolatus (Red) in a home aquarium, including advice for feeding and breeding your Super Red Empress Cichlid. JavaScript is disabled. So I don't know if it is a pure example, but could still end up an attractive fish. The last picture is of parents with new babies. Fogelhound your clarification had me go back to the site where I had ordered it and look again. If this fish hasn't been hormoned at any point, this fish is a male. From an aesthetic perspective, the male will have egg spots on the anal fin, as well as slightly more pointed dorsal and anal fins. Aulonocara Sp. For SALE Cichlids BEAUTIFUL species Juvenile Various Size The beauty of Jewel cichlids is something that can’t be denied. If male would get shiny male color and longer fins, if female stays the base juvenile color/markings. Taiwan Reef Cichlid. Description: Males have blue heads and bodies with combinations of yellows, reds and oranges. Above: a young male premium Red Empress Hap that is just starting to color up and has the potential to become one of the most beautiful freshwater tropical fish. 10.8k members in the Cichlid community. Jan 3, 2017 - Fish guide for Spindle Hap, Protomelas taeniolatus profile with fish pictures, description and information, Red Empress cichlid care, diet, habitat, fish diseases, cichlid breeding, tank mates, compatibility and keeping the Spindle Hap aquarium, Super Red Empress, Haplochromis Fire Blue Male Female Unsexed; Juvenile: Premium: Young adult: Adult: Select options. Cichlids for sale, Buy 5 African Cichlids Get 1 African Cichlid Free. It's hard to find an OB with such a myriad of colors: Red, yellow and blue. Protomelas taeniolatus (often sold under various trade names: Haplochromis red empress, red empress or spindle hap) is a Haplochromine cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi in Eastern Africa.The fish is popular in the aquarium hobby due to the bright rainbow-like colors of adult males and its relatively peaceful temperament. I buy my fish locally. You must log in or register to reply here. German Red Peacock Cichlid. Come one come all cichlid lovers. Is that one a male? Here is where I ordered it. Bought from Tampa Bay cichlids a few months ago as a guaranteed male. Key in on the anal fin, lips, and just behind the gills - these are typically the first places you'll see color, The anal and dorsal fins will become pointy as well. The Red Empress cichlids are quite popular because of the male's rainbow like colors. African cichlids originating from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria. Juvenile Red Empress . It can grow around 5 - 6 inches (13 - 15 cm) in length, and will sometimes get larger in the aquarium. Red Zebra Cichlid – Fun Color Facts. The Red Empress or Spindle Hap has a body shape that is similar to the Peacock cichlids only deeper, and the forehead is a little higher. from what I see in the pics, - blue tint in upper lip, reddening in the anal fin - I'm going to guess male though it's probably a bit early to say definitely. Empress can be slow to color up especially if they are not dominant. Heterozygous Albino Standard showing Red Empress check comments for Father, mother is an F1 import from Germany All these guys have the albino gene present but not showing so if you breed them togetehr you’ll get albino spawn or with an albino male or female 1-1.5” $10 Ups or Southwest Cargo shipping and Military Discount Available Their tail fins can develop beautiful red and blue spotted coloring. this little guy is a fish that the pet store did not know anything about him or what he was im hoping i have him right but only time will tell Protomelas taeniolatus (Fire Hap) (Super Red Empress) is a German line bred version of Red Empress. $ or 8 pcs for 20 $ or 8 pcs for 20 red empress cichlid male juvenile or 8 pcs 20. Zebra Cichlid – Fun color Facts a 10 gallon grow-out aquarium 's rainbow colors. Bay cichlids a few months ago as a guaranteed male while the female will hold the eggs in her for! 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