Log in Sign up. Aft. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (101) When sailing, always be aware of the wind's _____ and _____ speed, direction . It contained questions on identifying parts of a boat, right of … The watertight structural shell of a boat. Transom . Cruising Quiz 2 Here’s a little quiz taken from ASA’s 104 text, Bareboat Cruising Made Easy, to test your knowledge before you next untie those dock lines. The course covers: Boat Nomenclature; … … ... SSD 2 Module 4. Angle; Wind: The shape of the mainsail may be changed by adjusting tension in the edges of the sail. Knowledge of cursing sailboat … You take a virtual boat out on the water and can experiment with different sailing maneuvers. answerphone. STUDY. life jackets, visual and sound distress signal, fire extinguisher, throwable device, navigation lights, Port side front light red (port wine is red), Starboard side front light green, white stern light, describe a float plan and where it should be submitted, give someone names, cell numbers, description of boat, destination and when you will return, Identity and state purpose of lateral aids to navigation by color, shape and numbering, red marks right side of channel returning from main waters (red right return), green indicates left side of channel when returning, channel marked by numbers starting with 1 at beginning of channel, Identify safe water, information and regulatory markers, vertical red and white stripes and a ball on top, or are round balls similarly striped, deployed in deep water where it is safe to approach from all sides, often mark seaward approach to a channel, When and to whom are boating accidents reported. There will be two tests for this course, one written and one skills. When you turn the bow of the boat away from the wind you are ________ _________. Spell. ASA 101. asa 101 exam Flashcards | Quizlet ASA 101: Basic Sailing Curriculum Pre-study is vital to the success of your course. Only $2.99/month. the weight in the boat to keep it upright. If you have a 2019 book, you will need both updates. _____ 5. ASA 101: Basic Sailing … STUDY. Write. The desirable force generate_____. There must be at least Type I, II, III or IV_________on board for_________person. the top surface of the boat. Gravity. The mainsail should be raised when the sailboat is oriented ________ to ___________. Create. These are the … The combination of the true wind and wind created by the boats motion (that we feel on the boat) is call ___________ wind. … CA_PI. Examples of visual distress signals include, flares, smoke signals, distressed flag, electric distress light. _____ 4. It complements on-the-water instruction. ASA 101 Book Quizzes American Sailing Association 101 Book Quizzes - All. Deck. The sailboat's direction through the water is controlled by the ________ , which can be turned by means of either a _________ or a _______ ________. Learn cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation … ASA 101. upright center post holding sails. Psychology 101 - Exam 2 Flashcards - Cram.com. Created by. ASA provides free updates to question databases. The next update is expected April 2021. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (100) Stemhead Fitting . Match. STUDY. Essence of Sailing 3 lectures • 50min. Transom . Mast. ASA 103 Test Prep Guide All questions are based on the text Sailing Fundamentals by Gary Jobson In order to properly prepare for this course make sure that you know the entire text enough to confidently answer the review questions at the end of each chapter (Part 1 - Part 6) Know and understand the ASA 103 standards in your logbook, pages 13-17. A boat sailing across the wind is said to be __________. sbcmiller. ASA 103 Flashcards | Quizlet ASA 103: Basic Coastal Cruising Curriculum Pre-study is vital to the … The danger of sailing by the lee is the increased risk of an ________ _______. The ASA 101 test was a 100 question, multiple choice test and wasn't very difficult. Jennifer_Joseph74. Changing tacks by turning the boat so it's stern passes through the wind is called _________. Spell. asa 101 exam Flashcards | Quizlet ASA 101: Basic Sailing Curriculum Pre-study is vital to the success of your course. Abnormal Psychology Chapter 8 18 Terms. Which of the illustrations show the best conditions under which to approach a dock under sail? The_________-__________vessel is required to maneuver out of the way of the stand on vessel. Spell. The_________-___________ vessel's obligation to maintain___________and speed. Created by. Match. A vessel overtaking another vessel must ____ _____ to the vessel being overtaken. Abaft . Transom. STUDY. The weighted fin at the bottom of the boat. Log in Sign up. Instead, both vessels should alter course to ___________ and pass port-to-port. It is the responsibility of every vessel operator to avoid a________. If the wind is on the same side of the boat as the mainsail while sailing downwind, the boat is said to be ________ by the _______. 8 sections • 14 lectures • 2h 51m total length. When two sailing vessel's are approaching on opposite tacks, the vessel with the wind on the __________side is the stand-on vessel. This is an intermediate-level course comprising the knowledge portion of sailing, oriented around basic cruising. Download File PDF Asa 101 Exam Study Guide 30 to 50 feet in length in coastal and inland waters, in any conditions. Turning the boat so the bow passes through the wind, bringing the wind to blow onto the opposite side of the boat is called: _____________. The direction relative to the wind in which the sailboat cannot sail is called the_______. You passed your ASA 101, Basic Keelboat Sailing so which ASA certifications should you take next? This is an intermediate-level course comprising the knowledge portion of sailing, oriented around basic cruising. On-water coastal navigation skills elements are contained in the ASA103, Basic Coastal Cruising , ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising , and ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising , in progressively increasing levels of detail. ASA 103 Flashcards | Quizlet Practice Part 107 Knowledge Test - Remote Pilot 101 Learn to Sail - Basic Keelboat ASA 101 | Harbor Sailboats Able to safely act as skipper and crew of a sailing vessel about Page 2/13. ASA 101, Part 4 – ASA 101 Exam Day. Forestay, backstay, shrouds, etc. Sailing straight downwind is called ________. Write. A way to remember which side to keep the starboard-hand (red) markers when entering a channel from seaward is the phrase "_______ _______ ___________.". Abnormal Psychology Chapter 6 49 Terms. Which line or hitch secures the bow of the boat to the dock, Which line or hitch secures the stern of the boat to the dock, Which line or hitch secures keeps the boat from moving aft, Which line or hitch keeps the boat from moving forward. rebecca_watkins31. Match the point of sail with eh letters in the illustration, (a) close reach (b) broad reach (c) closed-hauled (d) run (e) beam reach (f) in irons/no sail zone. the longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel's hull. Learn. Search. Learn. STUDY. Take this course if you are planning to challenge the ASA 103 exam (option to experienced sailors) Take this course if you are learning sailing from a friend, or even teaching yourself; Take this course if you desire to be reliable and capable crew, or desire to be … Off the boat at right angles to its center line. It runs from the clew (the back corner of the sail) to the end of the boom. PLAY. Lateral Aids to Navigation are identified by three features,________ _______ and _______. Test. Keel . Sailing Terms Quizzes We have a collection of quizzes to text … The Federal limit for blood alcohol content is ________ percent. celi_balshem PLUS. In the Aids to Navigation system, a _________ is a floating aid anchored to the bottom. Flashcards. 111 terms. The fastest way to change the sail's power is to change its________to it's ___________. The helmsman's commands for jibing the boat are "_____ to _______" and "_____-_____". answerphone . Description: ASA 103, Basic Coastal Sailing Able to skipper a sloop-rigged keelboat of approximately 25 to 35 feet in length by day in light to moderate winds (up to 20 knots) and sea conditions. railing at the bow of a boat. Where To Download Asa 101 Exam Study Guide Please study the material outlined below so that you will be prepared at the time of your course and will be able to concentrate on the … Write. A_________plan can be provided to a friend or relative who is willing to be responsible for contact the authorities if you to not make contact or schedule. The textbook used for your course is Sailing Made Easy, by the American Sailing Association. Here is a link to the ASA 103 standards/requirementsto pass. ASA 101-Practice test. ASA 105, Coastal Navigation Able to apply the navigational theory and practices for safe navigation of a sailing vessel in coastal and inland waters. answerphone. the back face of the boat. a line which is part of the running rigging of a sailboat, used to extend a sail and control the shape of the curve of the foot of the sail. When two power-driven head-on, ___________ boat is the stand-on vessel. 445 Terms. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (118) Hull. It’s relaxing to practice tying knots in front of the TV. _____ 2. The back lower corner of a sail. Test. You heave-to by backing the________, easing the__________, and putting the____________to leeward. the bottom part of the ship that gives its shape. Short Instructor Introduction 1 lecture • 6min. Rules: one boat wind starboard other wind port, boat with wind on starboard side (starboard tack) is stand on and the boat with wind on port tack is give way, Rules: boat on port tack cannot determine windward sailing vessels tack, boat being overtaken stands on and the over taking boat gives way, Rules: power boat with another power boat on on starboard side, the boat that has the other boat on the starboard side (green light side) gives way, Rules: appropriate actions when sailing in commercial traffic / danger signal, Rules: federally required equipment boat under 25'. Take this course if you are planning to challenge the ASA 101 exam (option to experienced sailors) Show more Show less. Knot used to tie a line to a piling. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The outhaul changes the depth of the ________ of the mainsail. "Fluttering" sails are said to be ______________. radar). ASA 101. Describe sailing forces using diagrams. The give-way vessel shall take _________ and________action to keep clear. In a crossing situation, if powerboat A sees powerboat B on its starboard side, then powerboat A shall ____________ ____________. Form a non-slipping loop, tie jibsheets to clew of jib, Keep line from slipping through fairlead or block, temporary tie-up to docking piling, attach fender to stanchion, Primary use of a round turn and 2 half hitches, The shape of a mainsail may be changed by adjusting tension in the edges of the sail. ASA 101: Basic Sailing … Reducing the size of a sail so that less area is exposed to the wind is called ____________. Test. When the boat is stopped, pointed toward the wind with the sails luffing, it is said to be _____________. Spell. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. post across bottom of main sail. Of a sail, when the wind is on the "wrong" side. Flashcards. Test. If the give-way vessel does not seem to be taking early or substantial enough action, then the _________-_________vessel must take action to avoid collision. Charter Quiz Here’s a quiz created from ASA’s Bareboat Cruising Made Easy text book to see if you are close to being ready for a charter experience. STUDY. The point of sail at the edge of a no-sail zone is called_________. A powerboat, not in a channel or restricted in its ability to maneuver, should________ ________to a sailboat under sail, unless the sailboat is_________ the powerboat. When turning the boat toward the wind, sails should be __________ in. Bareboat cruising 104 82 Terms. Match. American Sailing Association 101-practice test, When sailing, always be aware of the wind's ______ and _______. … Boom. ASA 101: Basic Sailing Curriculum Pre-study is vital to the success of your course. the longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel's hull, wires from hull to mast on the sides of then oat sometimes connected to spreader, runs around side of boat on top of stanchion, turning front of boat in to and through the wind, solid slats or rods in batten pockets to help sail retain airfoil, think rope sewn on to the foot of the sail that slides in to a groove along the top of the boom, lets you tension the luff on the mainsail without using the halyard, traveler is a device that allows for changing the position where the mainsheet tackle connects to the boat, forward edge of main and jib sail - the edge of the sail that feels the wind first, a sheet used for controlling the mainsail, a sheet used for controlling the jib sail, keeps boom from being lifted upward by main sail. Flashcards. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Quite a few people have successfully challenged ASA 103 with us, and all who took the course after an unsuccessful challenge were extremely happy that they went through our rigorous program. Learn. The surface that forms the stern of a vessel. The structured docking, anchoring, reefing, c.o.b. Log in Sign up. Score at least 80% on all four quizzes and you’ll earn an ASA Certificate of Completion! When you want a break while sailing, you can make the boat lie_______-___________. Learn. The best way to steer the boat on a straight course is to look toward the ________ and pick a ________ to steer toward. The Annapolis Book of … Spell. Take this course if you have passed the ASA 101 course and want to continue on to ASA 103 (Note there is no 102). Two ways to change the sail's angle to the wind are: The tendency for the boat to head up toward the wind on its own is called_________helm. answerphone. If you are planning to challenge the ASA-101, this course will prepare you for the written portion of the test. yarn or ribbon to show how the wind is blowing past the sail, right angle from fore and aft line - 90 degrees from middle of boat, vertical distance from water line to bottom of boat, vertical distance from water line to deck level - lowest point where water could enter the boat, area off boat at right angle to the center of boat, side that is being blown on by the wind - side in to the wind, basically 45 degrees from straight in to the wind, heading to close to wind and sail begins to flap, sailing between close hauled and beam reach, sailing to far leeward when running risking a jibe, must maintain course - give-way boat must alter course, turning bow into the wind through the 'no-go zone' so that the direction from which the wind blows changes from one side to the other, opposite of a tack - turning so the wind from the aft switches from one side to the other, Verbal notification that the tiller has been put to leeward to cause the boat to come about, skipper lets the crew know they are going to jibe, look around and indicate ready - time to jibe. Prerequisites: Basic Sailing (ASA 101) certification and the ability to demonstrate competencies in all knowledge and skill elements of that standard. In the Navigational Rules, Rule 5 (the lookout rule) requires all vessels to maintain a proper lookout using ___________ and _____________ and any other available means (e.g. Bow Pulpit. Start studying ASA 101 - Sailing Made Easy - Chapter 1 Terms. To jibe safely, it's very important to ________ the _______ in toward the centerline as the boat bears away onto a run. Nearly all vessels must be__________with the state in which they operate, and/or___________throughout the U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Center. Browse. PLAY. When a sailboat 23 feet or longer is navigating at night with its engines operating in gear it must also display a white __________ light in addition to the sidelights and stern light. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (232) Aback. ASA 101 - Sailing Made Easy - Chapter 1 Terms. When the wind is blowing on the starboard side, the boat is said to be sailing on a ______ _______. lift. _____ 6. Start studying ASA 101. The ___________ is an underwater fin fixed on the bottom of the sailboat that provides stability and lateral resistance. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ASA 101 … Preview 15:42. Toward the stern. recovery, c… joehansenis. Sailing on a run with the mainsail and jib on opposite sides of the boat is called sailing _______ on ________. If you are going to take the ASA-101 course and are concerned about absorbing the amount of material presented, this course will make it a lot easier for you. Check out this four-part online quiz to test your basic sailing knowledge. This has the same exact format and pricing as the ASA 101 Challenge – except all practical skills will be completed on a larger Hunter yacht with an inboard diesel. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... ASA 101 - Sailing Made Easy - Chapter 1 Terms 56 Terms. There will be two tests for this course, one written and one skills. Psychology 101: Intro to Psychology - Practice Test Questions ... Found: 19 Mar 2020 | Rating: 85/100. Write. Basic sailing, coastal cruising and bareboat sailing study and test questions, American Sailing Association, US Sailing Association sailing … Whether you’ve taken ASA’s 101 courses and read the book or you’re just curious about your sailing know-how, we’re sure you’ll find the quiz fun and informative. Flashcards. _____ 3. Write. ASA 103. ASA 101 EXAM STUDY GUIDE PDF - Amazon S3 ASA divides sailing instruction into on-the-water instruction and sailing knowledge. There will be two tests for this course, one written and one performance. Test. … FAA Knowledge Exam Updates . This course covers all the material needed to pass the ASA-101 written test. Created by. The tendency for the boat to bear away from the wind on its own is called___________helm. Points of Sail. Match. Found: 5 Jan 2020 | Rating: 80/100. Log in Sign up. Spell. Page 14/23. Created by. After. asa 101 exam Flashcards | Quizlet ASA 101: Basic Sailing Curriculum Pre-study is vital to the success of your course. Jennifer_Joseph74. ASA 101 test question samples. It complements on-the-water instruction. An_______ _________can serve as a sound-producing device. Test. Found: 13 Mar 2020 | Rating: 84/100. While sailing close-hauled, four ways to decrease the heel of the boat are: (a) windward (b) head up (c) ease, sheet (d) traveler. A ________ __________ buoy has red and white vertical stripes and is safe to pass on either side. Tightening the downhaul or Cunningham moves the draft of the mainsail__________. Search. connects … match the sail control with the edge of the sail it effects: Outhaul; Foot: The shape of the mainsail may be … Psychology 101 Exam 2 Flashcards | Quizlet. To ensure that you will pass your ASA 101 Basic Keelboat and ASA 103 Basic Cruising examinations, we provide you with a 62 question 101 and 103 practice exam and answer key. Sailing Home Test Questions Answers Sailing Home - Homeschoolshare Unit 5.1 Sailing Home - Mrs. Warner's Learning Community reading test story sailing home 1 Flashcards and ... - Quizlet Reading Street 4th Grade Unit 5, Week 1 Sailing Home: A ... ASA 101 test question samples. Expand all sections. Deck. Hull. When you turn the bow of the boat toward the wind you are __________ ______. The files below are for use with our 2020 and 2019 Test Prep books and Fast-Track manuals. Book by Royce, Patrick sailing home Flashcards and Study Sets | Quizlet Learn 1 sailing home with free … Last Exam Practice: Abnormal Psych 17 Terms. True wind is truly just the real wind without any wind caused by the boat's forward motion. As the sailboat's direction changes relative to the wind, so should the sail's _________ to the wind be adjusted. Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision. Match. Accounting 101: Financial Accounting Final Free Practice Test Instructions. Upgrade to remove ads. Question Answer; The fastest way to change the sail's power its to change its _____ to the _____. matthewhamrick915. American Sailing Association 101-practice test. Terms in this set (56) Hull. The helmsman's command for tacking the boat (also called coming about) are "__________,___________" and "___________". PLAY. The ideal point of sail on which to approach a mooring ball is on a ________ ________. The Figure-8 recovery method works well on small boats since there is no__________, thereby reducing the risk of a second MOB. PLAY. Match the sail control with the edge of the sail it affects: Foot, Luff or Leech. Name parts with the lettered items in the diagram, (k) hull (c) deck (i) cockpit (a) transom (f) bow (h) stern (e) rudder (d) helm [tiller or wheel] (b) stanchion (g) lifeline (j) pulpit, (d) mast (a) boom (k) gooseneck (m) spreader (h) shroud (n) headstay/forestay (l) backstay (b) mainsail (i) headsail/jib (f) halyard (e) mainsheet (c) jib sheet (g) boom vang (j) boom topping lift, (g) head (a) tack (d) clew (c) luff (f) leech (e) foot (b) batten, (a) port (f) starboard (c) forward (g) aft (h) ahead (i) abeam (e) astern (b) windward (d) leeward. Tightening the________ _______holds the boom down on a downwind point of sail. Wind. A stainless … Gravity. back of boat, flat surface. Last night I spent a solid couple of hours with the books and with my own shoelace. For a beginner like … Preview 06:12. entirely free to find, use and download, so there is no cost or stress at all. Toward the stern, as in "abaft the beam" Abeam. Gravity. Choose from 500 different sets of ssd 4 module 4 flashcards on Quizlet. The "golden rule" of sail trim is: "when in __________, let it______.". Abnormal Psychology Chapter 7 25 Terms. Flashcards. Checking the_________forecast is one of the most important steps to take before going sailing. Start studying ASA 103. PLAY. The direction relative to the wind in which the … Create. Gravity. . I’m not much of a “gamer” but I downloaded the Sailing Challenge app to check it out. The test it ’ s relaxing to Practice tying knots in front of the ship that gives its.! Will need both Updates any conditions set ( 100 ) Stemhead Fitting 1087 Words boat to bear from. By backing the________, easing the__________, and other study tools study.... 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A 100 question, multiple choice test and was n't very difficult protect! _________ out alter course to ___________ and pass port-to-port bottom part of the way of the most important steps take...: 5 Jan 2020 | Rating: 80/100 off the boat away from the wind in which …... Sail ) to the success of your course Quizzes and you ’ ll earn an ASA Certificate of Completion on. Need both Updates and was n't very difficult you for the boat away the! To avoid a________ ___________ is an intermediate-level course comprising the knowledge portion of boat. Match the sail ) to the ASA 101 … Check out this four-part online quiz to your!
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